Camping Resolutions for 2015

Camping Resolutions for the New Year

How many of you have made your annual resolutions for the new year?  Things such as losing weight, saving more money, and being less stressed, for example.  All good things, but not ones that should necessarily require a resolution to achieve.

So we’ve put together a tangible, achievable list of resolutions that are sure to bring joy and a sense of fulfillment.  No, we are not talking about your weight or pocketbook – we’re talking about camping.  So here you go:

1.  Camp More Often – sure that sounds easy, but we know that it is not always easy to just grab your gear and escape. In order to achieve this resolution, you may consider searching for local campgrounds and backcountry that is ideal for quick one-night trips and that require less gear and preparation time.  Many of us tend to overlook local camping sites when we plan our trips far from home.  Hey, one night of camping beats not camping at all!

2.  Plan One Big Trip per Year – Camping is arguably the most cost-effective vacation you can take, and also the most relaxing.  But it usually takes a day or two to get into the groove, shed the cares of everyday life, and feel the rhythm of being outdoors.  Go to sleep when you’re tired, wake when you’re rested, eat when you’re hungry.

3.  Plan, Inspect, Prepare – taking time now during the winter months to prepare your gear, and to make necessary repairs ensures that you are ready to go, for one night or for longer, when camping opportunities arise.  This is also a good time of year to replace or upgrade  your gear as many manufacturers are clearing out last years inventory in preparation for the 2015 camping season.

4.  Take the Back Roads – your camping adventure doesn’t have to wait until you arrive at camp.  It can begin the moment you leave your driveway.  Do some homework before you leave – find the old roads and you’ll find lots of great history and things to see along the way.  Drive the interstates, and you’re bound to arrive at camp stressed and worn from the journey.  (We once drove from Salt Lake City to San Diego on old roads – the things we saw and learned on that trip could fill a book).

5.  Try New Recipes – many of us like to stick to our old ‘tried and true’ recipes, usually for the sake of simplicity, but you don’t have to be stuck with hot dogs and baked beans for dinner every night.  By doing some easy planning, and pre-trip food prep at home, you can eat like a king besides the fire.  And everyone is happier when they eat well.

6.  Buy an Inexpensive Telescope – or at the very least bring binoculars.  Since a fair amount of our waking time in camp is spent at night, don’t miss the free star show overhead every night.  Some telescopes are programmed to point automatically to night sky objects, and can provide an entire ‘tour’ of the night sky.  At the very least, there are free smart phone apps that instantly turn any novice into a celestial expert.  Binoculars can provide a great view of closer objects such as the moon.

So there you have it – 6 easy resolutions that are sure to make your year better, and your camping trips more enjoyable.

Happy Trails in 2015!